Catching up with, Jack In A Box

Hey Jack! Tell us a bit about the band!

I started Jack in a Box in 2013 as an acoustic project, and went on to release an EP called ‘Lone Star’.
It gained some interest; my friend had Ben heard it and was interested in providing percussion, as well as my other friend George, who wanted to play bass. Boom. We became a band and started recording stuff. ​

For those that are new to your music, describe your sound in three words..

Melodic, Alternative vibes.

Tell us more about this week’s featured track, ‘Pages’, how did it come about?

I wrote the song overnight, just tinkering around on the guitar. The guys took it, and added some real “umph” to it, turning it into what it is now!

When you listen to the lyrics, however,  it’s actually a bit of a depressing track; it touches on how you’re perceived by people and how I sometimes struggle to fit in. The line, “Take me to your Paradise”, is about going to your happy place – for me, that’s music being my escape from the mundane.

What about your time at RML? What made you choose us?

I’d heard some recordings from Shoot The Symphonywho had recently worked at RML, and I loved the quality of the production. I was in the process of looking for a studio, now that the band has grown, and after getting in touch with Ryan I have not looked back.

After we’d finished ‘Pages‘ I could not believe that it was our song. Ryan really helped us to work on and create a truly amazing track, and now I would never want to go anywhere else. I just wished I’d have found out about RML Studios sooner.

Are you playing any gigs soon? Where can people catch you?

We have no gigs coming up as of yet, as we are still refining our sound. I’ve been playing songs from the Lone Star EP this past year to spread the name around, however we will be playing PostFest at the Old Post Office in Shrewsbury in April.

And finally, Maccies or KFC?..

​Maccies all day baby, love me a plain Double Cheese, Mayo Chicken and Strawberry shake. Best of everything – although, KFC do have better fries..

​That’s great Jack, cheers! You can stream ‘Pages’ on our Soundcloud right now!

Be sure to check Jack In A Box’s Facebook pagefor regular updates and all their latest news!


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