Featured Track | ‘Pages’

For fans of: Two Door Cinema Club, Coldplay, Twin Atlantic

This week’s featured track comes straight from local  three piece, alternative-indie band: Jack In A Box.

Delivering a fresh blend of acoustic pop and indie, Jack In A Box use key stylistic elements from a range of bands to produce the mellow, yet incredibly catchy, ‘Pages’.    Two Door Cinema Club-esque guitar melodies and an unforgettable octave bass line, reminiscent of Interpol, combine to create a smooth, driven track. Written about escaping from the mundane, you’d be mad to miss this..

​You can stream Pages right now, exclusively on the RML Soundcloud.

Stay tuned later this week when we catch up with Jack In A Box to get the latest, as well as their answer on the highly controversial: Maccies or KFC?..


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